My reading recommendations

Here arises a small list of tips for books and travel guides around Calabria…

Ilona Witten, born 1965 – has been traveling Calabria since she was 5 years old! She has lived in Calabria for some time and really knows this region very well! She has been writing the comprehensive travel guide for Dumont Verlag for many years. A new edition will finally be published in April 2021! I am very much looking forward to that! Ilona and I are united by our commitment to animal welfare! So we also met years ago by chance in a bar in Tropea! I appreciate very much how well-founded and exciting Ilona writes about Calabria’s eventful history!

Peter Amann writes wonderful travel guides for different regions of southern Italy! I like this rather small travel guide in Merianverlag very much! Peter has a focus on the people of Calabria, this certainly connects us when traveling through this region! He has a great Instragram account, the name says it all: Sud.Ebasta , which inspires me again and again! In addition, he is a real connoisseur also of Sicily! Walksicily! Rumor has it he’s writing a new edition for Basilikata – Kalabrien für den Reiseknowhow Publisher. I’m looking forward to that, even though I think each region deserves its own guide!